Ref.WD0058 - Wand with ecologically sourced deer horn carved eagles, ravens, owls, and wolves. Include laser & elestial quartz crystals, garnet, citrine, opal, peridot, lapis lazuli gems, plus a lab grown ruby.
Owl Medicine teaches us how to embrace our personal darkness without fear. It's a symbol for wisdom because Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom. Where others are deceived, Owl sees and knows what is there. This medicine counsels one to look far beyond the facade of actions of others. When you trust your intuitions and perceptions others will be unable to deceive you, their hidden agendas will be as clear as a flower in sunlight. Thus, capacity to see beyond deceit and the masks others wear.
Owl medicine for me the most important is that they see in the dark - which is what we all need right now - and people who carry the owl medicine see through the lies that are told to them - they also have a hard time remaining in denial because they can see through the lies they tell themselves.
Wolf medicine will help you to navigate rules, rituals, and social hierarchies, either by getting involved in local politics or organizing a family reunion. Also reminds you of defining boundaries while guarding you from acting inappropriately. A strong believer of the language of the heart, wolf helps to heal family relationships as well as restore strength after illness. It teaches you to trust your inner voice and develop your intuition.
Sometimes called an albino raven – it is in the animal kingdom a very rare occurrence – its meaning and medicine include all that is the Raven and yet there is an added significance – it has already transformed into the light that guides your magic and your ceremony. It reminds you that you know more than you know, that you are remembering your core identity and bringing it into your work as a medicine holder. It is the shapeshifter of the mystery into the wisdom – it can only be used for white magic – anything that is intended or asked for in your ceremony will only be granted if it is for the highest good for all concerned – not because your desires are blocked by white raven but because you have chosen her to guide you in this way. She is also there to remind you that your sincerity to know the truth - even beyond what you have believed - is what will inevitably bring you the truth - those that chose to use the magic of white raven are sending a message to themselves that they are ready to let go of the darkness of all illusory beliefs and be free of that which binds them to the limitations created by all that has kept them in the dark.
Eagle medicine is considered by the Native Americans as being the strongest animal medicine – that is partly because of its very keen vision and its view from above – an overview that sees the connections between what on the earth seem random or separated.
The eagle is symbol of the zenith and its medicine is a great reminder of your own ability to soar to great heights thus bringing the ability to see things from a higher perspective. Eagle medicine carries powerful, spiritual energy. and also symbolizes love, friendship, honor, bravery, and mystical powers.
Eagle medicine is an indicator that courage and stamina are filling your life. It tells that you have the ferocity to right injustice and wrongs done to you or to others, showing that it's time to take heart, face and overcome fear; you do indeed have the strength to overcome any adversity.
This multi-animal medicine wand was designed & created by Juliet Carter.
Size: 275mm/10.83in