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Portal Glastonbury



Regular price £225.00 GBP
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Ref.PD0759 - Silver pendant with Heart Star geometry, silver swan + brass swan, mother of pearl carved Tibetan cloud, and a chalice decorated with garnet, peridot, and amethyst gems.

Swan medicine will bring people the ability to see the future, to surrender to the power of spirit, and to accept the healing and transformation of their lives. The apparition of swan is telling you to accept your ability to know what lies ahead.


"I can see why one might think of wings in terms of ascension although it's not a word we would use, because it implies a sort of going to heaven or something like that. For some wings represent angels, transcendence, etc. For us we view the evolution of consciousness not as higher but as expanded. So, the wings, while they take you high as an eagle or a hawk flies, you are not so much leaving the world/earth but integrating it from an expanded perception."

See your self beyond the years of your conditioning … beyond your addictions … beyond the disappointment … beyond the pain of being Human …in this dualistic mortal paradigm … beyond fear.
As the hawk soars above the level of mundane reality to see the overview … fly with her.
Circle above your life … above your identity …
adopting a broader vision of your Earth drama.
The higher you go the smaller it all becomes
as you begin to see the essence of others and of yourself …
to experience the interconnectedness
of all life.

Heart Star


Love and compassion, emotional balance, the healing of abandonment and betrayal.

The Heart Star, the central fractal within the Human hologram, forms a junction through which all systems of the Human matrix are interwoven. Within the Covenant embedded in the Human matrix the Heart Star fractal is the fulcrum point through which we embody the Benevolence of Creation. It is in frequency resonance with the Heart chakra, facilitating the cleansing of the emotional body.

The Heart Star brings Stellar Radiance into resonance with the central fractal of the Human matrix, in addition to the benefits of the Iconic Terra Prana Sphere which forms its centre.

This form protects against unbalanced electric energies, e.g., computers, televisions, etc.


The ancient Roman “calix” was a drinking vessel consisting of a bowl fixed atop a stand, and was in common use at banquets. and became the symbol of celebration – to the Wicca and Pagan The chalice, cauldron or cup is a symbol of the Goddess, the womb, and the female reproductive organs. It also represents water which is a female element and the feminine qualities of intuition, subconscious, psychic ability and gestation. The symbol of the feminine principle, the match to the Athames and also the wand.

In Christianity it is used for the sacramental wine of “holy communion” was the legend of Joseph of Amerathea the Holy grail that caught the tears and blood of Jesus.

For the Sufis, the chalice symbolizes the sharing of blessings for it enables the steppe and desert communities to share water, milk, and hospitality … and is a symbol of abundance.
One of the oldest references to the chalice comes from the Veda in the creation story where the “gods” and “demons” fight over the elixir of immortality stolen from the original human, the fight is designed as a tug of war wrapping Anantasesha [snake with infinite heads/kundalini/DNA] around the mountain the demons holding the tail and the gods the head as they pull back and forth the mountain sitting on the back of a turtle [earth element] churns the casual ocean creates first the poisons and then the elixir of immortality which is then healed in the Jar/ chalice of Danvantari which eventually became also the symbol of medicine and was used by Pharma – a chalice with a snake wrapped around it. The shape of the chalice is that of the vortex, the center of toroidal transmutation. The eye of the storm – the hourglass of eternity – the border between the infinite in and infinite out.

As it is also associated with transmutation, the prolongation of life, the recovery of youth, the cure of diseases, invincibility, immortality, enlightenment, liberation from the cycle of rebirths, and unending bliss. It is linked to the rose and the lotus and even in Greek the root word for chalice is Calyx which means cup but also the part of the flower from which come the petals. The seeds of the blue lotus were believed to hold the secret of immortality in Siam.

The lotus and the rose are the natural vortexes, a chalice that opens their petals to receive the stellar radiance that is the love at the heart of creation.

Size: 83mm/3.27in

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