Omni Resonance film

Omni Resonance film

The Omni Resonance film project has finally received the financial support it needs to be completed- very possibly before the end of the year 🦅🔥Thanks to an awesome couple of individuals who understand what this model of transcendence is and care deeply that it reaches those who have come here to receive it. This has happened in such a way that our dream of all Codes on one film, available for free is about to be a reality
Thanks also to those who took part in the initial fundraiser to get us to Bali and those who gave donations🧡 The Shoulder break slowed us down, however we are now full speed ahead and have already secured an excellent Cinematographer and in contact with 2 Special effects editors and a 3D animator
My advice to prepare for the release of the film is that you study as much material as possible on The Template Model of Transcendence. When I have more time I will share information on the full extent of the transformation this film offers and how to navigate that propensity
A lot to do here before we can fly. Apologies for lack of response to letters etc
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